Boys Hostel Movie 123 Telugu Review

Boys Hostel Movie 123 Telugu Review

Boys Hostel Movie Review (123 Telugu Review)

Boys Hostel Movie 123 Telugu Review

Boys Hostel Movie 123 Telugu Review. The latest Kannada blockbuster, “Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare,” has made its way to Telugu cinemas as “Boys Hostel,” and it’s creating quite a buzz. Today, we’re diving into a review to explore just how this film measures up.


“Boys Hostel” follows the story of Ramesh Kumar (played by Manjunath Nayaka), the stern warden of Frankfurt University’s hostel.

Even Ajith (Prajwal BP) and his gang quiver in his presence. However, the unexpected suicide of the warden, along with a note pointing fingers at Ajith’s group, sets off a gripping chain of events.

Can they keep their secret hidden? What challenges do they face, and why did the warden implicate them? The answers to these questions lie within the film.


Boys Hostel,” the Telugu rendition of “Hostel Hudugaru Bekagiddare,” stands out with its simple yet captivating storyline. The first half unfolds with such engaging storytelling that it promises an enjoyable cinematic ride.

At the core of the film is Manjunath Nayaka’s stellar portrayal of the warden, with solid support from actors like Prajwal BP, Srivasta Shyam, Diganath Manchale, and Gagan Ram, who contribute effectively to the narrative, filled with dark humor.

Boys Hostel Movie 123 Telugu Review

The collective efforts of the students at the heart of the story add a hilarious twist, turning the film into a comedic spectacle. Tharun Bhascker’s cameo is a masterstroke, laced with witty dialogues and expressive acting that brings genuine laughter. Nithin Krishnamurthy’s portrayal of Genie, a pivotal character, deserves special mention.

Beyond the performances, the film’s lively soundtrack, dynamic screenplay, and skilled camerawork ensure an immersive viewing experience. The incorporation of trending one-liners and iconic dialogues adds to its appeal and relevance.


The film maintains a brisk pace in the first half until a pivotal twist is revealed, but sustaining this momentum becomes a challenge in the latter part. Although attempts are made to retain audience engagement, a more intricate second-half narrative with additional twists could have elevated the overall impact.

With numerous characters, some unfamiliar to Telugu audiences, post-movie recollection may be a bit challenging. Certain segments of the second half might feel sluggish as anticipation builds for the climax, leading to occasional moments of monotony.

Rashmi’s character, despite its connection to Tharun Bhascker’s perspective, makes a minimal contribution to the film’s overall narrative.

Technical Aspects:

Boys Hostel Movie 123 Telugu Review

Debutant director Nithin Krishnamurthy excels in his role as a director, particularly when it comes to direction rather than writing.

The film adeptly handles a straightforward script, but paying more attention to the second-half screenplay could have enhanced the storytelling.

Arvind Kashyap’s cinematography, Ajaneesh Loknath’s musical score, and Suresh M’s skillful editing shine as the film’s standout strengths, significantly elevating the overall cinematic experience.

The production team deserves commendation for their commitment to authenticity, and the meticulous dubbing efforts by the Telugu presenters should not go unnoticed.


In summary, “Boys Hostel” is a decent black comedy drama that will keep you engaged during the first half but encounters some sluggishness in the second.

The commendable performances by the student cast and Manjunath add to the film’s charm, complementing its solid technical components.

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A few repetitions and moments of lethargy in the second half are the primary drawbacks. The younger audience will likely connect with the film, but it may not appeal as strongly to family audiences. If you’re willing to overlook these minor flaws, it’s definitely worth a watch this weekend.

  1. Manjunath Nayaka,
  2. Prajwal BP,
  3. Srivatsa Shyam,
  4. Gagan Ram,
  5. Shreyas Sharma,
  6. Bharath Vashist,
  7. Tejas Jayanna,
  8. Rishab Shetty,
  9. Pawan Kumar,
  10. Diganth Manchale,
  11. Tharun Bhascker,
  12. Rashmi Gautam

Director: Nithin Krishnamurthy
Producers: Prajwal B P, Varun Kumar Gowda, Nithin Krishnamurthy, Arvind S Kashyap
Music Director: B. Ajaneesh Loknath
Cinematographer: Arvind S Kashyap
Editor: Suresh M

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